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Greetings NCTMA Members and Guests!

We are once again at the start of a new fiscal year!  Thank you to all previous officers, board members and members for persevering through the last COVID years!  While our membership has been sustained, the shift from in-person to virtual meetings, albeit vital for the safety of the treasury community, created barriers to networking.  We will be bringing back 'In-person' meetings around the state!  As the program schedule below shows, we will also be keeping the virtual meetings, which were integral in maintaining our ever coveted educational credits and still provide value and opportunity to our members. 

The Executive Board Committee has decided to change the sponsorship opportunities for the NCTMA.  The lump sum levels that have served us so well in the past are not as much of a benefit post-COVID.  Therefore, we are asking any potential sponsor to host an in-person meeting.  Please see the sponsorship page for more details and benefits or ask one of the executive committee board members.

The NCTMA will host our first 'in-person' Kick-Off event on September 21st in the Greensboro area.  This will be a full day of sessions & networking and is free to our membership.  We are working on 6 sessions, as well as lunch and dinner provided.  Once the agenda is finalized, we will notify you via email and post to the NCTMA website.

Don't forget to renew or invite colleagues to join on our membership page!  The nominal annual fee ($195 for practitioners and associates, $500 for up to five corporate members, and $50 for students and retirees) continues to be of exceptional value. These meetings provide both excellent networking opportunities and the opportunity to earn continuing education credits (CTP/FPAC).  Please also consider volunteering on a committee, as many opportunities are still available!

I want to thank the membership for putting their trust in me to lead the NCTMA through the next fiscal year.  I am excited to work with our board and executive committee, reestablish connections with current members, and continue to network with new ones.  Please feel free to reach out to any of us or if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!   

This year’s Schedule Plan:                          

September 21, 2023 - In-person Kick-Off event (Greensboro) 

October 12, 2023 - Virtual Webinar                                                 

November 9, 2023 - In-person Meeting (TBD)   

December 7, 2023 - Virtual Webinar

January 18, 2024 - In-person Meeting (TBD)                          

February 22, 2024 - In-person Meeting (Charlotte)                                                  Hosted by GPS Foreign Exchange

March 14, 2024 - Virtual Webinar

May 19-22, 2024 - Carolinas Cash Adventure, Myrtle Beach, SC

Your 2023 - 2024 Officers:

President Lee Ann McDaniel

Vice President Kathy Roberson

Treasurer Craig Libman

Secretary Open (must be a Practitioner member)

Membership Tyler Thurgood


Best Regards,

Lee Ann McDaniel, CTP

2023-24 NCTMA President




If you have any questions, please e-mail:

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