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We are planning both in-person and virtual meetings this year!

Please mark your calendars with the 2023-2024 program schedule estimated for up to 16.6 CTP and FP&A recertification credits.  Topics include Treasury Technology, ISO 20022 guide to better payments reconciliation, Cryptocurrency/Blockchain, Women in Treasury, Career development, and more.

The final conference each year is the Carolina Cash Adventure that is held in Myrtle Beach, SC in conjunction with the South Carolina AFP.  As a member you receive discount pricing for this final conference.

New Program year Schedule 2023-2024:

September 21, 2023 - "Kick Off" in-person full day in Greensboro 

November 9, 2023 - Webinar

Using AI to Generate a Cash Flow Forecast - Dave Sackett 

        December 7, 2023 - Comerica sponsored in person meeting (Raleigh)

        January 18, 2024 - Webinar

State of the State - NC Treasurer, Dale Folwell

        February 21, 2024 - GPS sponsored In person meeting (Charlotte)

        March 14, 2024 - In person meeting (TBD)

April 4, 2024 - Webinar

Best Practices in Cybersecurity and IT Infrastructure - Tom Kirkman

May 2024 - Carolinas Cash Adventure, Myrtle Beach, SC

If you have any questions, please e-mail:

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