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Silver 2022- 2023 NCTMA Sponsorship

  • 07 Sep 2022
  • 30 Jun 2023
  • Sponsorship throughout the 2022-23 Yr


Registration is closed


The North CarolinaTreasury Management Association (NCTMA) would like to express our sincere appreciation to corporate sponsors for the 2021/2022 programming year! 

Without their support, our organization would not be able to produce the quality programs that many treasury professionals benefit from each year.  Additionally, NCTMA excess revenues help fund schools and universities in the state.

Silver sponsorship level - $500.

The sponsor receives the following benefits:
  • Sponsoring company logo appears on signage placed at both registration table and in the meeting rooms for each live meeting throughout the year and on the background screen during virtual events hosted by the NCTMA. (September Tee-Off for Treasury Conference; October meeting, November Roundtable;  December  Meeting; January  Roundtable; & February Meeting).
  • Sponsoring company logo appears on the website. 
  • Sponsoring companies are recognized at each meeting throughout the year.

While not a prerequisite for being a sponsor, the corporate entity is encouraged to have one or more members represented in the NCTMA membership. Complimentary registrations for meetings are not offered to sponsors.

If you have any questions, please e-mail:

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